Enhance the potential of Smart Working – SmartWo

Feedback form

Dear participant to training,

We kindly ask you to express – through the following questionnaire – your evaluation on the training course you have attended; the answers will help us to improve the offer. 

Thank You for your collaboration. 

The SmartWo Project

Instructions for filling the questionnaire

Please note: Score 1 corresponds to negative i.e. poor; Score 5 corresponds to positive i.e. excellent.

SmartWo_Feedback Questionnaire_ENG
Name and surname
Name and surname
Would you like to receive news about the project?
What is Your age range?
What is Your work?
Did you have already experience with smart working before the COVID-19 restrictions?
Are you in general satisfied by the course?
Are you satisfied by the length of the course?
Are you satisfied by the training material provided in support to the videos?
How useful is the course to better manage a remote working experience?
Have you found some useful tips to be used in your daily work?
Would you be interested to follow other similar short training courses?